Wernert Lawn Care accepts Cash, Check and Credit Card via Portal.
Checks mailable to:
Wernert Lawn Care
P.O.Box 40
Pickerington, OH 43147
If you would like to use the portal to make payments via credit card,
FIRST TIME USERS must Email Office@WernertLawn.com for a login and password.
If your login and password are already set up click here to make a payment!
If you would like to prepay for your fertilizer applications for this year, please mail a check to the P.O. Box below. Prepay is not available on the portal.
Cancellation Policy:
Our packages and services are not under a contract and can be canceled at any time.
To cancel, a written request to cancel must be sent via email.
If you are not happy with your service, please let us know. We are happy to come visit your property, walk the property with you to see how we can correct any errors or problems!