Downspouts and Drainage
Downspouts are drainage pipes that direct rainwater from the roof to the ground. This is where the rainwater is lead away from the buildings foundation so that no rainwater is able to pool around the building. Most commonly you will find your downspouts attached to the corners of homes or buildings.
Without perfectly working downspouts, rainwater will fall off the roofs edge and may cause flooding and damage to the building. Rainwater will pass through the cracks in the walls, windows and into the buildings foundation. The problem with downspouts is that they clog very easily when leaves, twigs, and other debris accumulate within the downspout itself. This makes it difficult for the rainwater to drain properly throughout the downspout. Any debris that is found in the gutters should be removed.
If your existing downspout is maybe just clogged, no worries! We can use our camera lines to inspect it.
If our cameras find other issues we are able to then put in a French drain system, a surface drainage system or open drains into a shallow space or a large shallow space.